Lakeside idiomas

Voice out with pride

Invista no seu conhecimento

"Estamos em uma nova era de revolução industrial, é hora de ser responsivo e proativo, não é a hora de se sentir deslocado"

Na lakeside idiomas, você é preparado para se expressar com orgulho.

Conte-nos mais

What´s your level? We have qualified
teachers to meet
your expectations

Confira nossos cursos!

Beginner English
Business English
Academic Preparation
Interview Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Vacation Course
Private Classes
Saturday Classes
Portugues para estrangeiros

Leia mais


"Já estivemos em seu lugar, por isso ensinamos apenas o necessário.."


Business English

One on one classes

Great times are coming! 

The devil is not as black as it's painted

Aula online

Nossos colaboradores

Trabalhamos com uma equipe incrível, nativas e dinâmicas.

One on one classes

Our team works closely with the students to make sure they enjoy every bit of their time during the classes.

Good rapport with students

We share the priorities of the students.

Friendly Atmosphere

The fact that we have already been in their shoes makes it easier for us to understand their needs, thus create a favorable atmosphere to study in.

Interview Preparations

Vacation Courses

TOEFL Preparations


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